Marina Kitzis

Medical Esthetician

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Our esthetician, Marina Kitzis, has over thirty years experience in the field of esthetics. She trained in ​Moscow at the Institute of Esthetics where she completed an intensive two-year program with ​emphasis on nutrition and holistic methods.

She has been working in the Newton area for more than twenty-five years and has continued her ​education with several specialty courses at the Catherine Hinds and Elizabeth Grady School of ​Esthetics.

Marina’s focus is on facial rejuvenation and the treatment of acne, mild scarring, and pigmentary ​changes. She uses glycolic peels and facials to treat these conditions in both teenagers and adults.

Esthetic services are a means of improving the texture and appearance of the skin. This can be ​achieved through procedures such as facials, glycolic peels, and the use of various skin care products ​as part of a daily skin care regimen.

Facials ​alone or in combination with glycolic acid peels, help maintain a healthy and youthful ​complexion. Facials can also be an important part of a complete acne protocol, greatly enhancing the ​effectiveness of both oral and topical acne medications. Facials involve a thorough cleansing of the ​skin and pores in which blackheads, whiteheads and tiny cysts known as milia can be precisely ​removed. Often a mask is done at the end of the procedure to tighten pores or rehydrate the skin.